Academic projects

ODEN Mobile app

Developed an android app in flutter for a company called Terratap technologies based in New Westminster, BC. This project is still going on and is a part of larger project called ODEN, which focuses on gathering all the open public data on the web and provide it to developers for an easy development. This app currently displays only the public arts in the world, but we will soon add more public locations normally inaccessible on google maps. A Revolutionary project indeed

Technologies - Flutter, Firebase, Dart

Github -

ODEN Backend

Took charge of the backend development of the ODEN project using Javascript and Node.js. I revamped the email and notification api while managing cloud functions in Google Cloud.

Technologies - Vanilla Javascript, Node.js

Github -

Dotnet AI Project

An AI-based chatting app, that allows you to set filters like hiding vulgar messages, converting every message to a sarcastic mood, and modify and displaying incoming chats according to user personas like Donald Trump, Shakespeare, etc. Users can also set language filters like French, Chinese, etc converting every incoming message to that language.

Technologies - .NET, C#, Javascript, Sqlite, Azure

Github -

Resume Screener

An AI-based resume screening web app. It takes a job description and a list of resumes and returns the compatibility percentage of each resume with the job. It was designed keeping in mind the tedious task all HR's have to go through where they have to scan hundreds of resumes quickly and shortlist them.

Technologies - Javascript, HTML, CSS

Github -

K9 Meet

An app designed to bring together dog owners from around the world. It enables them to hold events, form groups in order to facilitate and improve the upbringing of their pets.

Technologies - HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL

Github -


A unique project enabling individuals and organisations to frame and manage newsletters which they can send to their clients.

Technologies - Laravel, php, SQL

Github -

blue and white logo guessing game
blue and white logo guessing game

Developed a 2d game of Pacman for a school project.

Technologies - Java, SQL

blue, red, and green Pac-Man wall painting
blue, red, and green Pac-Man wall painting

Developed an AI project of chess using alpha beta and minimax algorithms. You play against computer.

Technologies - Java

Github -

chess pieces on board
chess pieces on board
Custom Talks

A Chatting app that lets users to create channels for chatting.

Technologies - React, Javascript, Mongodb

Github -

black iphone 4 on gray textile
black iphone 4 on gray textile